Have you ever felt betrayed by your own insurance company when you needed it the most? Having an institution you pay to help you turn its back on you can be frustrating and distressing, but with Axion Law Group, you’re not alone.
Few things are as bad as wasting money. This hits especially hard in instances of bad faith insurance where you literally pay your insurance provider for help during life’s most challenging times. Nothing feels worse than when the very party you’ve entrusted your well-being with doesn’t live up to its end of the bargain you both willingly agreed to.
This can take shape in various ways. Whether having a claim seemingly ignored because of how much it’s been delayed, failed to have coverage upheld and instead been denied, or constantly on the receiving end of lowball settlement offers, there is far too much on the line to continue to let it fly. You need to take action and be made whole.
A bad faith insurance claim attorney in Lewis County, WA, like Eric Chavez of Axion Law Group, can help you confront the realities of your bad faith insurance situation and mitigate the dramatic and long-lasting effects it will have on your life. As your bad faith insurance lawsuit attorney, he can guide you through what may seem like an unmanageable situation, steering you toward full and complete compensation.
Advocating for you along the way, he draws on his rich background and unique perspective to that end. Eric Chavez started his career as a defense attorney for an insurance company. During this time, he saw first-hand how insurance companies so often view the cases they handle as just that – nothing more. They don’t see it as a mechanism to help you. They’re concerned with minimizing the amount they need to pay out and nothing more. Eric Chavez has since switched sides and fights against insurance companies for people just like you who have been stiffed by them.
Bad faith insurance is terminology used to denote unethical actions insurance companies take against their own clients. These actions may sometimes even be unlawful. Typically done when you file a claim, the insurance company fails to uphold and fulfill its obligations to you that it agreed to. Common ways insurance companies do this include:
Their ultimate goal here is simple – to reduce the amount of money they need to pay out to you and rake in as much profit as possible. They don’t care about you; they care about themselves and profiting off of you.
A bad faith insurance lawyer like Eric Chavez knows what it takes to get the best settlement you can and make you whole. Eric has been involved with the insurance industry and law for decades. Partnering with him as your bad faith insurance lawsuit attorney, he’ll bring this knowledge and experience to your case. Without it, you’ll be left to your own devices. As capable as you may be, it won’t matter – you’ll need to get a crash course on personal injury law, how the insurance industry works, and the intricacies of legal procedures related to your case. But will you actually have the time to get up to speed for your case?
Eric Chavez will evaluate your case during your consultation. As unfortunate as it is, some people who suspect they’re victims of bad faith insurance aren’t. Eric will bring clarity for you here. More than this, though, he’ll give you a sense of how strong your case is. This is vital if you truly want to be able to stand up and defend yourself against the onslaught your insurance company will present.
Axion Law Group | Lewis County, WA
If you are in Lewis County, WA, and suspect you are on the receiving end of bad faith tactics your insurance company is employing, email or call Eric Chavez from Axion Law Group at (253) 339-8500 today. He’ll schedule a consultation with you that is designed to get to know you and your situation, and begin developing a legal strategy that positions you to take control of your future now.
Eric Chavez deeply believes that you have rights, and that you deserve fair treatment, especially since you and your insurance company entered into an agreement. Eric will step in and help you flex those rights, cornering your insurance company into making you whole. Don’t put it off for too long – you may sacrifice your ability to exercise recourse entirely. Act now before it’s too late.